The Workplace Investigation process is designed to address allegations of misconduct, where a formal process is required to make findings for implementation of risk management and/or disciplinary actions, including government statutory body required or insurance investigations.
This process is not designed for use where there are allegations of very minor misconduct which requires only admonition and correcting worker behaviour, nor is this process appropriate for resolving conflicts or misunderstandings between parties. Young Life’s procedure for Conflict Resolution is available through its communication platforms.
For situations where a worker (volunteer or paid) is alleged to have engaged in minor or unknown conduct or a minor breach of a relevant Code of Conduct, the matter should be dealt with pastorally by the appropriate leader with a view to re-correcting behaviours.
This process aims at working through information relating to allegations of more serious misconduct, for findings to ensure all parties are offered natural justice.
The procedures associated with responding to workplace concerns are very detailed. A Workplace Investigation quick reference table for the appropriate action to be taken can be found in the “Resources” folder in the Child Protection section of the Training site.