Each committee is made up of five to seven individuals all working together to support the local ministry. Committees may choose how they are organised and what roles they offer, but at a minimum, we suggest a Chairperson, Treasurer and Prayer Coordinator.
Beyond that, we encourage committees to consider the primary activities it will be undertaking over the year and appointing people appropriate for those activities. It is important that committee members feel they have a specific role that is suited to their gifts and have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.
Additional Roles might include: Events, Church Partnerships, Secretary, Public/Community Relations (media, marketing), Fundraising and Donor Relations (TDS), Grant Writer
Regardless of the role, there are a few commonalities across all committee members in terms of characteristics and responsibilities.
Hoyt Jackson explains below the purpose of committee.
Hoyt Jackson has some great tips below for caring for Young Life Staff. Have a listen to what he has to say.
We would like to thank Young Life USA for the use of their committee roles documents.
The roles listed in the topics below have been taken from Young Life USA resources, used with permission.
The Chairperson greatly influences the character and effectiveness of your committee. Elected by other members, this person will have a unique partnership with the Area Manager built by spending regular time together. As the leader of the committee, the Chair keeps the focus on Christ, calls on members’ gifts and abilities, prepares and leads meetings and mobilises the different task committees. They also ensure that the committee members share in the ownership of the ministry with the local staff, volunteer leaders, local donors and regional director.
The committee chair working together with the area director should:
At a minimum, the Committee Chair and Area Director should develop the following processes:
Hoyt Jackson has some great tips below for new Committee Chairs. Have a look at what he has to say.
Time Requirement: 16 hours per month
NOTE: Different areas will have different time requirements, and this should be used as a guide only. Different times of year as well will have different time pressures.
Like the Chair, the Treasurer has certain responsibilities that require a unique set of experiences and gifts.
Time Requirement: Eight hours per month
NOTE: Different areas will have different time requirements, and this should be used as a guide only. Different times of year as well will have different time pressures.
All activities of Young Life need to be underpinned by prayer. Our hope is that everyone on the committee will take time to regularly pray for the ministry. This can be greatly aided by a Prayer Coordinator.
Time Requirement: 8 hours per month
NOTE: Different areas will have different time requirements, and this should be used as a guide only. Different times of year as well will have different time pressures.
Without a doubt the secret to a successful Taking Donors Seriously (TDS) team is an effective TDS chairperson. They are the driving force of the team’s ability to identify and build a relationship with the area’s top-tier donors. In addition, the TDS chair leads the development of the TDS strategy for the area. The TDS chair and the committee chair need to work together closely to coordinate support for the ministry.
The TDS chair will:
Time Requirement: 8 hours per month
NOTE: Different areas will have different time requirements, and this should be used as a guide only. Different times of year as well will have different time pressures.
Go to TDS CourseIn any given area there are numerous adults, young and old, who would be considered alumni and/or friends of Young Life.
Basic Strategies to Develop
The coordinator, working together with the Area Manager and Committee, should:
Time Requirement: 4 hours per month
NOTE: Different areas will have different time requirements, and this should be used as a guide only. Different times of year as well will have different time pressures.
Being a Young Life staff person or a volunteer leader is a rewarding responsibility! However, building friendships with kids in order to earn the right to tell them about Jesus and helping them grow in their faith can be taxing. Therefore, staff and leaders need extra care and support. The local committee can have a major role in providing this care.
The care coordinator is responsible for planning and organizing the care of the local staff and volunteer leaders. The coordinator may want to develop a subcommittee to assist in this effort. This planning should involve having the committee members care for the staff and volunteer leaders in a variety of ways: prayer, befriending, mentoring, spiritual support, office work and assisting with fundraising.
Reminder: The committee is primarily responsible for the care of the Area Manager and any other staff. The staff is primarily responsible for the care of the volunteer leaders. If the committee has the time and ability to take care of the staff person(s) and also help take care of the volunteer leaders that would be great.
Area-Wide Leader Care: The coordinator should plan and organize area-wide events to care for the staff and volunteer leaders. Possibilities might include a beginning-of-the-year welcome/appreciation picnic, a Christmas meal with a white elephant exchange and an end-of-year thank you dinner with an appreciation gift. Committee members should attend all of these activities.
Individual Leader Care: The area leader/staff care coordinator or a subcommittee member COLLECTS information from the area staff and volunteer leaders about their needs and DISTRIBUTES that information to a committee member. The person is responsible for communicating with the staff member or volunteer leader and providing personal support throughout the year. Periodically, the coordinator should monitor the committee members to ensure that each member is caring for his or her staff member or volunteer leader; and should liaise with the Area Manager regularly in regards to committee care.
Hoyt Jackson has some great tips below for caring for Young Life Staff. Have a listen to what he has to say.
Time Requirement: 8 hours per month
In addition to a major fundraising event, additional events such as Bunnings BBQ’s and Work-for-Reward (camp fundraising with our teens) may also be placed into the Events Coordinators Role.
The events coordinator oversees the entire event by providing leadership and direction. They will develop a sub-committee (which may or may not have members of the Area Committee) to ensure all aspects of the event are catered for. Roles on the sub-committee could include:
Depending on the event, additional roles may be added.
The Events Coordinator should work closely with the Alumni and Friends Coordinator, as they should have an up to date list of people willing to assist with major and other local area events.
Young Life has developed “The 10 Essentials” for planning and implementing a successful event. These 10 requirements are to:
Time Requirement: 4-16 hours per month, depending on the timing of your event
Go to Committee Resources to find Event Suggestions & GuidesThe donor care specialist job is to ensure the area’s donors are cared for and thanked.
Specifically he or she:
TDS Course.
Time Requirement: Eight hours per month
Many areas are looking for additional ways to involve non-committee adults, and to develop stronger support from local church congregations. This role helps bring those two things together in a way that, when done effectively, can truly bless an area.
The coordinator develops a network of friends of Young Life who are willing to go to their church once or twice a year with a request on behalf of Young Life.
Time Requirement: 2 – 4 hours per month
The members of the local community should be aware of and informed about the ministry of Young Life. By utilizing the local media, Young Life’s mission can be more fully communicated to the general public. Hopefully, by having a clear understanding of the ministry and its activities, Young Life will be more positively received by the local community.
The coordinator will work closely with the area director to ensure that all significant Young Life activities and events are publicized in a timely manner. The coordinator will:
Time Requirement: 2 hours per month
Jim Rayburn, founder of Young Life, understood the power of camping. When kids are at camp, the Gospel can more effectively be communicated to them because they are having fun with friends and Young Life leaders and are away from the pressures of everyday life.
Working with the Area Manager, the campership coordinator will:
Time Requirement: 8-12 hours per month during the sign-up and camping season
PO Box 552
Ryde NSW 1680
W: younglife.org.au
E: training@younglife.org.au
P: 1300 557 647