Thank you for coming to Summer Camp 2025. We'd love to hear your feedback about camp. Please complete this survey so we can make sure next years camp is even better!

    Please rate below with 1 star being the lowest and 5 stars being the highest rating.

  • PoorFairNeutralGoodExcellent
    Venue of Camp
    Camp Activities
    Food on Camp
  • Will NotUnlikelyNeutralLikelyVery Likely
  • Activities on camp this year: Water-skiing, Cycling, Canoeing, Archery tag, Kozi Hike, program games, Club, Crud War
  • Activities on camp this year: Water-skiing, Cycling, Canoeing, Archery tag, Kozi Hike, program games, Club, Crud War

    Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. We want to see you back on camp next year! Once you have submitted it, you will be redirected to the Camp EOI form to be the first to know when regos open for camp 2026.