A Campaigners group (discipleship group / small group) is traditionally a group of students committed to growing in their relationship with Christ and sharing this relationship with others.
Whilst going through this section, consider those young people you are currently working with. Are there any that haven’t yet made a commitment, but are interested in finding out more? Are there any you seen have leadership potential and enjoy being with you? If you don’t have a group of young people who have made a commitment, consider starting a group who are willing and wanting to meet with you more regularly – pray for them and see what The Lord does with you and them in the context of a small group.
Committed to a Group
God works through a group, a “body,” a team – His Church. We learn about ourselves and His love for others as we live and work together.
Committed to Growing
As leaders, we recognise that kids are in different places in their journey with Christ. Keeping this in mind, Campaigners is still for those who desire to grow in their faith. In club, we aim at the ‘lowest common denominator’. The club message is basic so the kid farthest away might understand. In Campaigners, however, we will be running with young people at various levels of commitment to Christ, this is still a time for those who want to be challenged to grow spiritually.
Committed to Sharing
Our growth in Christ will show itself in our love for others. Campaigners is more than simply gaining biblical knowledge, although it most definitely includes this. As we grow, we will want to reach out to others. Campaigners are our student leaders, the backbone for our club work.
Mark 12:28‑31: “One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, ‘of all the commandments, which is the most important?’”
“‘The most important one,’ answered Jesus, ‘is this: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” The second is this: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” There is no commandment greater than these.””
The heart and soul of Campaigners should be to help students (and ourselves) obey the great commandment:
- Good builders work closely with their blueprints.
- Good Campaigner leaders
- are motivated out of their love for Christ and His truth.
- are going somewhere. They have a plan and are working on it.
- are developing their own leadership and discipleship skills.
- are prayerfully dependent on the Lord to produce His fruit.
Begin With the End in Mind
- Your discipleship will take the shape of whatever you believe to be your goal.
- For some this goal is informational. “If we can just get Campaigners to read the Bible and learn biblical truths, we have succeeded.
- For others the goal is sharing. “Our teenagers need adults who create a safe place for them to be able to talk about what they are feeling in a non‑judgmental setting.”
- Still others may see the goal of Campaigners as building the Young Life club at their school. “Kids need a form of outreach to learn how to serve the Lord among their peers and club provided the opportunity.”
Each of these goals is worthwhile. Our discipleship needs to be marked by biblical teaching, open sharing of who we are and the challenge to walk our talk among our friends and family. But none of these is the primary goal of our time together.
The primary goal of Campaigners is to help students love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength and to love their neighbours as themselves.
This is the great commandment. The great commandment warrants our greatest attention. It is the end that we must keep in mind as we set out.
How does Campaigners help us love God and others? By giving us a true understanding of the One we worship and our need for God (biblical literacy). By allowing us to know the Lord’s healing and compassion (honest sharing). And by giving us opportunities to live out our faith in an unbelieving world (service and mission).
When setting out to lead a Campaigner group, remember the end we have in mind is to love God with all that we are and to love others more. Keep asking yourself, “How does this help my friends love God and others more?” Begin with this end in mind!
Taken from the Campaigner Handbook.