Volunteer Application Form Please complete your details for us below. Please Note:if you are unable to tick the boxes, please click on the statements beside the box and the box should fill. Personal InformationName First Last Date of Birth: DD dash MM dash YYYY Email* Phone Number(s)*Please provide us with your contact phone number(s) Address* Street Address Address Line 2 Town / City State Post Code I am under 18 years old & therefore do not have a Child Protection Number Under 18 Child Protection Number* This may also be known as your Working With Children Check Number. If you do not have one, please write your application number here.Child Protection Expiry* DD slash MM slash YYYY State of Issue of Child Protection Number Emergency Contact Please provide us with the name & number of an emergency contact person for you.Young Life Australia InformationPlease indicate the role you are applying for*Choose Role:Volunteer LeaderClub Helper or Volunteer in SchoolCamp VolunteerCommitteePlease specify camp you are applying for: Please specify role you are applying for: eg. work crew, summer staffYoung Life Area* If you are volunteering for a camp, please write 'Camp'. Otherwise, please provide us with the name of the town / suburb / area you are applying to volunteer with.Personal BackgroundDue to the nature of our ministry, it is important that our volunteers join us in making a personal commitment to Young Life's Christian purpose. Please answer the following questions to help us in evaluating where you might best use your gifts and talents.Please describe your personal relationship with Jesus Christ*What previous ministry experience have you had?*Please note: having no experience does not exclude you from joining our team.What previous volunteer experience have you had?*Please note: having no experience does not exclude you from joining our team.Do you regularly attend church?* Yes No Name of your local church / faith community Summarize the history of your relationship with the local church*Describe why you feel God has called you to serve in the ministry of Young Life*Please list any specific skills or gifts that you have and / or qualifications you have or are currently obtaining.*eg. Musician, first aid certificate, teaching degreeReferencesReference Contact Details*From the following list, choose two for which we may contact to do a further background check: Pastoral / Spiritual Leader | Young Life Staff Worker | Ministry Co-Worker | Employment Supervisor / Boss. One must be your regular church minister.NameEmail AddressPhone NumberRole AcknowledgementVolunteer Statement*I authorize, at Young Life Australia's discretion, investigation of all statements made by me in this application, and review of any civil or criminal records, which may exist, concerning me, except for such records as are sealed according to State or Commonwealth law. I further authorize Young Life Australia, at its discretion, to contact employers, references and others whose names are provided on this application form, or whose names may be identified by me in an interview, and I authorize such persons to provide Young Life Australia with information requested by Young Life Australia regarding me. I further release any such individuals, as well as Young Life Australia, from any claims I might have arising out of any discussions involving me, or the provision of any information or records regarding me. I understand that I am working at all times on a voluntary basis without expectation of compensation and not as an employee of Young Life Australia. In the event I become a volunteer with Young Life Australia, I understand that false or misleading information given in my application or interviews may result in dismissal. I agree Please ensure that you hit the SUBMIT button so that your information is captured. If you do not hit submit, you will be asked to come & re-complete the form. You must complete this form in order to move to the next topic. Δ